Project Oberon - The Design of an Operating System and Compiler
This book presents the results of Project Oberon, namely an entire
software environment for a modern workstation. The project was
undertaken by the authors in the years 1986-89, and its primary goal was
to design and implement an entire system from scratch, and to structure
it in such a way that it can be described, explained, and understood as
a whole. In order to become confronted with all aspects, problems,
design decisions and details, the authors not only conceived but also
programmed the entire system described in this book, and more. Although
there exist numerous books explaining principles and structures of
operating systems, there is a lack of descriptions of systems actually
implemented and used. The book gives advice on how a system might be
built, and demonstrates how one was built. Program listings therefore
play a key role in this text, because they alone contain the ultimate
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